Your Dollars In Action
When you donate to KBP Cares you help to change the lives of KBP employees, supporting them through hardships. Consider this a journal showcasing just that; your dollars in action.
KBP Cares Newsletter - January 2022
Our KBP Cares Giving Review for 2021; a rundown of our total grants awarded and donations collected for 2021, plus a testimonial from an employee who’s worked with Cares over the years.
KBP Cares Stories: Graciela Hernandez-Perez
The story of an hourly-co manger, in the Kansas City market, who received an incredible donation from a generous donor to our program.
KBP Cares Stories: Cynthia Gonzales
The story of a grandmother who finally got the handicap accessible van her grandson needed with the help of KBP Cares.
KBP Cares Stories: Jamie Tedford
We want to share the story of an employee from Texas, to show the range of hardships we can help with. We help employees dealing with hardships ranging from medical emergencies, to victims of crime, to necessary home repairs and many situations in-between.
KBP Cares Stories: Jessica Marks
The story of one dedicated shift manager in Arkansas and the journey she took through a complicated medical condition. She tried to manage the pain, stress, and growing debt the best she could on her own but, finally found KBP Cares as a resource for hope and relief.